Empowering Change: The Inspiring Case of Vishna Kumari

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

This case study delves into the life and journey of Vishna Kumari, a young woman from Uplagarh in the Sirohi district, Tehsil Abu Road. Vishna's story highlights her resilience, determination, and commitment to creating positive change in her community, despite the challenges she has faced as a victim of child marriage.

Vishna Kumari was married at the tender age of 14, a victim of the prevalent practice of child marriage in her community. This early marriage posed significant obstacles to her personal growth, education, and overall well-being. However, Vishna's unwavering spirit and supportive husband provided a glimmer of hope. Despite the circumstances surrounding her marriage, Vishna's supportive husband encouraged her to pursue education and seek opportunities for personal development. Vishna's education, though limited to the 10th grade, served as a foundation for her future endeavors.

Motivated by her own experiences and the challenges faced by her community, Vishna embarked on a mission to bring about positive change. She sought out opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills that would enable her to address pressing issues, such as the lack of access to electricity and water in her village. Vishna's determination led her to undergo training program at EMPBindi International Association, an organization focused on education and community development. Here, she received training in solar electrification methods and technologies, gaining the necessary skills to address the issue of inadequate electricity in her village.

Upon her return to Uplagarh, Vishna took the initiative to electrify 50 households in her community. This electrification project not only improved living conditions but also instilled a sense of hope and possibility among the villagers. Inspired by Vishna's success, other women in the community began actively participating in the electrification process. Realizing the importance of empowering women, Vishna provided education and skill development opportunities for women, enabling them to acquire new skills, enhance their self-confidence, and become active participants in their own development.

Driven by her thirst for knowledge, Vishna aspired to continue her education beyond the 10th grade. With the support of her husband and the community, she explored various avenues to pursue higher studies, including distance learning programs and vocational courses.

Vishna's unwavering determination, resilience, and commitment to creating change have not only transformed her own life but also inspired the entire community. Her story serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of education, empowerment, and community involvement.

Vishna Kumari's case is a remarkable example of how an individual, despite facing adversity, can rise above circumstances to bring about positive change. Through her dedication to education, electrification, and empowering women, she has become a catalyst for progress and development in her village. Vishna's journey serves as an inspiration for others, highlighting the transformative power of knowledge, determination, and community engagement in creating a brighter future.

Empowering Dreams through Education and Entrepreneurship

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

This case study examines the inspiring journey of Mirawati Devi, a young woman from Arani village in the Simdega district of Jharkhand, India. Mirawati's life took a drastic turn when she married at the age of 18 and faced the emotional turmoil of a miscarriage at nine months into her pregnancy. Determined to create a better future for herself, Mirawati seized the opportunity to join the Bindi International Association, which provided her with the platform to learn new skills and develop as an entrepreneur. Despite her education being interrupted due to lockdown, Mirawati's unwavering zeal to learn and her husband's support enabled her to overcome obstacles and pave her path to success.

Mirawati Devi's story reflects the challenges faced by many young women in rural areas of India, where limited access to education and societal norms hinders their personal and professional growth. This case study highlights Mirawati's transformational journey, emphasizing the importance of education, support, and entrepreneurial skills in empowering individuals to fulfill their aspirations and overcome adversity.

Born and raised in Arani village, Simdega district, Jharkhand, belonged to a community with limited opportunities for education and personal development. Her early marriage and subsequent miscarriage further added to her emotional burden. However, her strong desire for freedom and her husband's unwavering support became catalysts for change in her life.

Mirawati's journey was fraught with emotional turmoil, stemming from her early marriage and the tragic loss of her unborn child. These experiences left her longing for personal growth, freedom, and the opportunity to pursue her dreams.

EmpBindi International Association emerged as a ray of hope for Mirawati. The organization provided her with a platform to acquire new skills and knowledge, offering courses on circuit installation, repair, and various essential digital tools. This opportunity ignited Mirawati's passion for learning and paved the way for her entrepreneurial ambitions.

Mirawati's husband played a crucial role in her journey, supporting her decision to pursue education and providing the encouragement she needed to overcome societal barriers. His belief in her potential served as a strong foundation for Mirawati's progress. Despite having her education interrupted due to lockdown measures, Mirawati's determination to learn and resume her studies was rekindled at EmpBindi International Association. She now plans to resume her education and equip herself with the knowledge and skills necessary to become an entrepreneur.

Mirawati's journey at EmpBindi International Association has been transformative. Her newfound skills, coupled with her entrepreneurial aspirations, have empowered her to envision a brighter future. With her zeal for learning and the support of her husband, she is well on her way to realizing her dreams and creating a positive impact in her community.

Sapna Barla's Journey as Trained Solar Engineer and Advocate for Education

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

This is a remarkable story of Sapna Barla, a 25-year-old resident of Sarai Pani in Simdega, Jharkhand. Sapna's transformative journey began when she received training as a solar engineer, equipping her with the skills to bring solar-powered solutions to her village. Additionally, Sapna's dedication to education led her to advocate for the educational development of two children, an 11-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy. This case study explores Sapna's training experience, her commitment to providing light and education, and the positive impact she has made on her community.

In rural areas of India, access to electricity and quality education can be limited, hindering the overall development of communities. Sapna Barla, a determined and compassionate individual, recognized the potential of solar energy to improve the lives of her village. Furthermore, her commitment to education led her to support two children in pursuing their educational aspirations. This case study highlights Sapna's journey as a solar engineer and her endeavours to empower the children of her community.

Sarai Pani, Sapna's village, suffered from inadequate access to electricity, impacting the daily lives and educational prospects of its residents. Motivated by a desire to bring light and opportunity to her community, Sapna sought training as a solar engineer. Simultaneously, she recognized the importance of education and sought to support the educational journey of her two children in her village.

Sapna joined EMPBindi International Association and underwent an extensive training program, becoming a proficient solar engineer. Her training encompassed the installation, maintenance, and repair of various solar-powered equipment, including home lighting systems, bindi torches, diva lanterns, charge controllers, circuits, bulbs, and water pumps. Sapna's newfound expertise positioned her to bring sustainable energy solutions to her village.

In addition to her solar engineering endeavors, Sapna passionately advocated for education in her community. She recognized the importance of education in empowering individuals and fostering overall development. Sapna identified two children, an 11-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy, who lacked access to quality education, and she dedicated herself to supporting their educational aspirations.

Sapna successfully installed solar-powered systems in her village, bringing reliable electricity to households and improving the villagers' daily lives. Additionally, she played an instrumental role in ensuring the two children received proper education. Sapna collaborated with local authorities, community members, and educational institutions to provide the necessary resources and support for the children's educational journey. Through her efforts, she instilled hope, aspiration, and a brighter future for the children and the entire community.

Conclusion: Sapna Barla's inspiring journey showcases the transformative power of renewable energy and the value of education in rural communities. Through her solar engineering expertise, Sapna brought light and convenience to her village, positively impacting the lives of its residents. Furthermore, her advocacy for education created opportunities for two children to pursue their educational dreams. Sapna's story emphasizes the importance of empowering communities through sustainable energy solutions and fostering educational development. Her efforts have paved the way for a brighter future and empowered the next generation in Sarai Pani.


The Journey of Two Gutsy Tribal Girls Lighting Up Their Dark Villages

Written by Swapna Sarita Mohanty

In the remote villages of Odisha, India, where electricity is scarce and opportunities are limited, two young tribal women have emerged as beacons of hope. Sumi Gadsera, a 22-year-old from Dileshwar village, and Tulsi Gilua, a 21-year-old from Bishnupal village, have taken upon themselves the herculean task of electrifying their communities. Their unwavering determination and pursuit of knowledge have led them to join Bindi International Association in Rajasthan's Ajmer district. This case study explores their inspiring journey and the transformative impact they are creating in their villages.

Challenges and Determination:

Sumi Gadsera comes from an underprivileged family of nine, where her mother is the sole breadwinner. Despite limited resources, Sumi strives to share her mother's burden by teaching at the Digital Community School (DCS). However, she yearned to do more for her family and community. When she learned about the solar engineering training offered by Bindi International Association, she saw an opportunity to solve the persistent electricity problem in her village. Despite initial concerns from her family, Sumi's conviction to contribute to her village's betterment led her to pursue the five-month training program.

Similarly, Tulsi Gilua, hailing from Bishnupal village, faced numerous challenges. However, her determination and eagerness to learn transformed her life. At campus, she not only mastered the art of creating solar equipment but also underwent an "Enriche training," which equipped her with essential digital skills. Tulsi now envisions empowering other women in her village to step out of their shells and gain exposure that can profoundly change their lives.

Empowering Skills and Transformative Impact:

Sumi Gadsera's solar engineering training introduced her to various equipment, including Bindi torchlights, Devi torchlights, Diva lanterns, and solar home lighting systems. Armed with this knowledge, she envisions illuminating her village and neighbouring communities, bringing brighter days and improved living conditions to all. Sumi's newfound expertise has not only elevated her sense of self-worth but has also positioned her as a role model for other young women in her village.

Tulsi Gilua's journey at Bindi International was transformative in multiple ways. She honed her skills in creating solar equipment, while the "Enriche training" opened doors to the digital world. Armed with smartphone literacy and basic digital skills, Tulsi gained confidence and the ability to start her own business. She aims to inspire women in her village to break free from societal constraints and embrace opportunities that can empower them.

Lessons Learned and Future Impact:

The inspiring journey of Sumi and Tulsi holds valuable lessons for individuals and organizations working towards rural development. Their determination, resilience, and eagerness to learn highlight the transformative power of education and skills training. By harnessing renewable energy solutions and digital literacy, these young women are not only empowering themselves but also uplifting their communities.

The impact of Sumi and Tulsi's efforts extends far beyond their villages. Their success stories serve as beacons of hope, inspiring others to pursue education, embrace new technologies, and create positive change. Through their future endeavors, these tribal girls are poised to contribute to the sustainable development of rural India, igniting a ripple effect of progress and empowerment.

Sumi Gadsera and Tulsi Gilua's remarkable journey from darkness to light embodies the indomitable spirit and resilience of rural India. By joining the Bindi International and acquiring skills in solar engineering and digital literacy, these two tribal girls are rewriting the narrative of their villages.

Solar & Enriche training helped Kesari Kumari become a confident woman

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

20-year-old Kesari Kumari hails from Nichlagarh Village, Abu Road, Sirohi district in Rajasthan. Coming from a village with 250 households residing in difficult rocky terrain with no electricity, connectivity and water, Kesari always wanted to make a difference in the lives of his villagers and make life easy for them. When Bindi International reached her village with this project of Solar Mama training, her husband and father-in-law motivated her to take this up and be a harbinger of change.

After initial hesitation and resistance from her mother-in-law, Kesari made up her mind and came to Harmada campus, where she underwent five months of training and learned the intricacies of making solar bulbs, solar lanterns, solar bindi, solar diva and today she is ready to face the world with her new skill.

“When I came to know that I have to go to another place to learn this skill, I was a little worried but at the same time, I was excited that I would learn something new that is going to help my community and villagers to lead a better life. There were many questions in my mind like how the equipment would be, whether I would be able to learn it or not and at the same time it was a huge responsibility.”

Talking about the life-changing experience she said that the Kesari who had come stepped out of Nichlagarh is different from the one today, “I not only have this new skill of making solar equipment but at the same time enrich training has helped me grow as a more confident person who can not only electrify 50 households but at the same time start on business and start earning.” While ending the conversation, Kesari noted that she feels proud that she is going to be a changemaker in society.


Women Transforming Lives through Solar Engineering in Jharkhand

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

In the remote villages of Giridih and Simdega districts in Jharkhand, two determined women have embarked on a mission to bring light to their communities. Motivated by a desire to improve their lives and the lives of their fellow villagers, these women have journeyed to Bindi International in Rajasthan to undergo five months of intensive training in solar engineering. Their goal is to acquire the skills needed to electrify their villages, which have long been shrouded in darkness. Through their determination and newly acquired knowledge, these women seek to create positive change and pave the way for a brighter future.

Challenges and Motivation

For Manjali, a single mother and the sole breadwinner of her family, selling country liquor was a means of survival, but it left her yearning for a more respected and fulfilling occupation. When the opportunity to learn solar engineering presented itself, she eagerly embraced it as a chance to transform her life and gain the admiration of her community. Similarly, 20-year-old Anjali Murmu, who comes from a family that values women's empowerment, viewed the solar training as a stepping stone towards contributing to her joint family and supporting her husband's education.

Manjali during her training at Harmara campus, Kishangarh

Transformation and Empowerment:

The training here has been a life-changing experience for these women, both personally and professionally. Through hands-on instruction, they have learned to create solar-powered devices such as diva lanterns, bindi torchlights, and devi torchlights. Armed with this knowledge, they are now equipped to electrify 50 households each in their respective villages. Beyond technical expertise, the training has instilled a sense of self-sufficiency and empowerment within the women. They now possess the confidence and determination to face the challenges that lie ahead and become the breadwinners for their families.

Solar Engineer Anjali during her training at Harmara campus in Kishangarh.

Community Impact and Expectations:

From ending the darkness that has engulfed their villages to creating a sustainable source of electricity, the women are viewed as beacons of hope and inspiration. Their determination to uplift their communities has garnered admiration and support from neighbors and villagers alike. 

Building a Brighter Future:

Beyond electrifying their villages, these women aspire to become catalysts for change in their wider communities. By demonstrating the possibilities that education and skill development offer, they hope to inspire others, particularly women, to step out of the confinements of traditional roles and pursue their aspirations. Their newfound skills not only provide economic opportunities but also serve as a testament to the transformative power of education, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and empowerment. 

The journey of these tribal women from Jharkhand serves as an inspiring case study of empowerment and change. Through their unwavering determination and the solar engineering training they received at the organisation they have not only acquired the skills to electrify their villages but also become agents of transformation. Their dedication to improving their lives and those of their communities highlights the potential within marginalized areas. By supporting and empowering women in rural regions, we can create a ripple effect of progress and build a brighter, more equitable future for all.