We believe in the key role women play in improving overall quality of life within underdeveloped rural villages. The ‘Enriche’ programme invests in women to help them reach their full potential so that they can fulfill their aspirations and transform their communities. The ‘Enriche’ curriculum provides rural women with the opportunity to gain confidence, practical knowledge and skills that are relevant to their life and priorities. ‘Enriche’ has a curated content which works in partnership with indigenous and local NGOs.

Women learning the usage of mobile during ‘Enriche’ training.

Every woman is trained to train others, she is taught to share her knowledge with as many in her community as possible. Integrating digital tools and literacy to expand her abilities and her ability to share her knowledge with others.

For women who have been denied a formal education opportunity, the ‘Enriche’ curriculum places a democratic learning environment, free form barriers and inclusive of many existing skills and wisdom, before her.

We believe that addressing underlying structural and social barriers to women empowerment can only be achieved using a holistic participatory approach and ‘Enriche’ focuses on eight building blocks:  


Digital Literacy

Using a tablet, a smartphone or an LED TV to communicate and to share content. Playing and capturing digital audio-visual content. Having the opportunity to learn functional numeracy, literacy and language skills using digital applications.

Environmental Stewardship

It focuses towards increasing participants' ability to make informed choices about their lifestyle and ecology, and thereby contribute to sustainability. Information on environmentally-friendly practices such as composting, rainwater management etc.

Financial Literacy

Understanding basic principles of making a budget, opening a bank account, and importance of savings, leading to informed decisions on household finance and micro-enterprise management. This training aims at increasing participants’ ability to make improved financial decisions.

Rights & Responsibilities

Raises awareness on basic rights and responsibilities related to education, health, domestic violence and equality. Leads to increase in self-confidence and motivation to address unjust situations. It kindles critical thinking and awareness and focused & directed discussions increase the individual and collective capacity to find solutions.

Entrepreneurship Skills

Improve participants' ability to succeed in entrepreneurial activities they undertake. Activities are customized to hone skills such as building long-term customer relations, understanding customer needs, giving a persuasive sales pitch, gaining the community’s trust, being able to address unforeseen challenges.

Micro-Enterprise Skills

Understanding micro-enterprise concepts and basic skills such as planning, budgeting, recording cash flows and marketing to manage an individual enterprise or a cooperative. Accessing financial services and creating simple business models with the support of partner NGOs.

Women's Health

Overcoming social barriers, myths and dismantling culture of silence around women's bodies to enable an improved understanding of one’s body, hygiene, and overall nutrition. Equipped with this knowledge women have a better chance of exercising sexual and reproductive health rights and making informed decisions about their own health.

Aspiration & Agency

Being confident to express oneself and provided with the opportunity to bring forth fears, aspirations and hopes. Realizing one’s potential and mobilizing available resources to achieve individual and collective objectives.