The Journey of Two Gutsy Tribal Girls Lighting Up Their Dark Villages

Written by Swapna Sarita Mohanty

In the remote villages of Odisha, India, where electricity is scarce and opportunities are limited, two young tribal women have emerged as beacons of hope. Sumi Gadsera, a 22-year-old from Dileshwar village, and Tulsi Gilua, a 21-year-old from Bishnupal village, have taken upon themselves the herculean task of electrifying their communities. Their unwavering determination and pursuit of knowledge have led them to join Bindi International Association in Rajasthan's Ajmer district. This case study explores their inspiring journey and the transformative impact they are creating in their villages.

Challenges and Determination:

Sumi Gadsera comes from an underprivileged family of nine, where her mother is the sole breadwinner. Despite limited resources, Sumi strives to share her mother's burden by teaching at the Digital Community School (DCS). However, she yearned to do more for her family and community. When she learned about the solar engineering training offered by Bindi International Association, she saw an opportunity to solve the persistent electricity problem in her village. Despite initial concerns from her family, Sumi's conviction to contribute to her village's betterment led her to pursue the five-month training program.

Similarly, Tulsi Gilua, hailing from Bishnupal village, faced numerous challenges. However, her determination and eagerness to learn transformed her life. At campus, she not only mastered the art of creating solar equipment but also underwent an "Enriche training," which equipped her with essential digital skills. Tulsi now envisions empowering other women in her village to step out of their shells and gain exposure that can profoundly change their lives.

Empowering Skills and Transformative Impact:

Sumi Gadsera's solar engineering training introduced her to various equipment, including Bindi torchlights, Devi torchlights, Diva lanterns, and solar home lighting systems. Armed with this knowledge, she envisions illuminating her village and neighbouring communities, bringing brighter days and improved living conditions to all. Sumi's newfound expertise has not only elevated her sense of self-worth but has also positioned her as a role model for other young women in her village.

Tulsi Gilua's journey at Bindi International was transformative in multiple ways. She honed her skills in creating solar equipment, while the "Enriche training" opened doors to the digital world. Armed with smartphone literacy and basic digital skills, Tulsi gained confidence and the ability to start her own business. She aims to inspire women in her village to break free from societal constraints and embrace opportunities that can empower them.

Lessons Learned and Future Impact:

The inspiring journey of Sumi and Tulsi holds valuable lessons for individuals and organizations working towards rural development. Their determination, resilience, and eagerness to learn highlight the transformative power of education and skills training. By harnessing renewable energy solutions and digital literacy, these young women are not only empowering themselves but also uplifting their communities.

The impact of Sumi and Tulsi's efforts extends far beyond their villages. Their success stories serve as beacons of hope, inspiring others to pursue education, embrace new technologies, and create positive change. Through their future endeavors, these tribal girls are poised to contribute to the sustainable development of rural India, igniting a ripple effect of progress and empowerment.

Sumi Gadsera and Tulsi Gilua's remarkable journey from darkness to light embodies the indomitable spirit and resilience of rural India. By joining the Bindi International and acquiring skills in solar engineering and digital literacy, these two tribal girls are rewriting the narrative of their villages.