Jannat Bano Devi, Solar Engineer

In just 2 days, Solar Mama Jannat Bano solar electrified 3 rural villages in the Jaipur district of Rajasthan, India. Having trained with EMPBindi International Association at its Indian campus, she got to work immediately, completely remembering her training on assembling and installing Solar Home Lighting systems to dozens of remote homes. We followed her to Prayatna and Sara Laxmipura regions to watch her while she provided the villagers with their very first reliable, renewable solar-powered electricity.

Homes in these regions are often forgotten about-many residents of certain tribes are considered nomads who are not original locals from the region. They’re not usually provided with regular government-funded amenities. Thus, some villages are still completely disconnected from the grid. When asked, residents say that at night there are dangers in the region- thieves or animals are common threats to safety. A solar lantern helps to protect villagers at night.

In early 2020, 110 solar home lighting systems arrived to be installed in 9 local Jaipur District villages. Jannat got to work quickly, astounding us with the speed and efficacy in which she installed. As she began clicking on lights at the end of the processes, the villager’s eyes lit up with awe and delight- finally, a solution to the darkness of evenings. Each home lighting system can power up to 4 lights and charge cellphones and are paired with portable solar lanterns.


Jannat hails from Hachukuda, Prayatna and studied at the EMPBindi International Association campus in Rajasthan, India for 6 months. She was given a refresher course in 2019 for 20 days. She comes from a line of farmers who toil in temperatures that reach 50 degrees Celsius during the day and can drop to 0 at night. It’s an extreme, semi-arid climate that for many would be deemed inhabitable.

She remembers her engineering training fondly, where her solar master trainers were patient and accommodating while she met many other women who trained at the same time. She absorbed the classes with ease and enjoyed the accessibility to knowledge and tools that women typically aren’t allowed in rural India. When she returned to her village, her community perceived her differently. She was able to voice her opinions more boldly and impart the training she received on other women and girls. Her peers and family respected her more for her courage and resilience in the face of profound and lasting transformation.

2/3 of Indian nationals are still surviving on less than $2 a day wages. This level of poverty has been linked to gender disparity and the workforce being inaccessible to women. 45% of Indian girls are still being married before legal age in India, resulting in many girls dropping out of school prematurely.

Jannat was one of the girls who had to marry young- the common fate of many rural teenagers and children. Her chances to progress in school were dissolved early in life, usually despite their own dreams and ambitions. When she was invited to study solar engineering as an adult- likely the first opportunity of its kind offered to her- she did not hesitate to seize the opportunity.

Her husband also saw this as an opportunity and gave her his consent. It is thanks to the support of forward-thinking rural men that women like Jannat can reach their full potential through our programs. When a woman in the household also works, it’s an additional income that benefits the entire family. We aim to help more communities realise this.

“After many years of being a housewife and farmer as my only option in life, I did not hesitate when I was offered the chance to study- this was my


Lower poverty rates have been directly linked to regions with greater access to quality education-while accessibility may be increasing, those who aren’t able to study at night suffer. Many rural children are expected to work on the family farm during the day, greatly limiting daylight hours where they’re able to study.

Solar-powered light is enabling children to continue their studies while accommodating demanding timetables. Solar lanterns, which replace kerosene lamp burning by an impressive 99%, also completely avoid the dangerous and toxic fumes that traditional lamps emit. Villagers have also repeatedly complained about the low level of light that kerosene lamps produce compared to the ample light of the solar lanterns, which can last all evening when fully charged. The lantern’s batteries last for years and once purchased, require no extra fees, helping villagers to save money.

Health, safety and education all help to stimulate sustainable prosperity for these oft forgotten-about communities. We believe in providing tools and opportunities that support villagers while they lift themselves out of poverty through locally-tailored solutions.


Vrindawati and Birmuni Solar Engineers of Jharkhand

Two Women Solar engineers, Vrindawati and Birmuni have electrified 220 households with 100W Solar home lighting systems for families which are located across 14 villages of the Raidih block. A rural electronic workshop has been established in Karanjkur as a centre for repair, demonstration of solar products, learning and sales. In Jharkhand, around 75% of households in the tribal hinterland remain at the bottom of the electricity-access ladder and 66% of households still depend on kerosene for lighting. The lack of access to quality energy is due to the geographical challenges and infrastructural bottlenecks. 26% of the state population resides in rural areas and 3/4 of their lighting needs are met by kerosene. They depend on costly fossil fuels to run unreliable generators that don’t adequately supply light and power.

The scope of the electrification covered through this initiative genuinely solves the problem of access to energy for the last mile community. Using a decentralised approach to solar electrify villages is the most viable solution in providing access to energy for the benefitting community. Thus far, the Solar Engineers have sold over 190 Bindi Diva torches, home lighting systems and lanterns in their community. Each solar mama earns an average of Rs 4800/- per month as a secondary livelihood through our Solar Community and Women prosper model.


The District Administration Gumla and EMPBindi International Association have leveraged a local organisation with a block level SHG federation; Mahila Vikas Mandal, Raidih in Gumla district, Jharkhand. Vrindawati Devi and Birmuni Devi were identified from the tribal non-electrified hamlets from Raidih block of Sursang panchayat for the Solar engineer programme. Along with Solar technical training, women were also trained on accessing digital tools and Enriche. These Solar Engineers took a journey to Rajasthan, India to learn these life-changing skills. Illiterate and semi-illiterate, they enroll in the 6-month training period. The emphasis is on making trainees feel at home and enabling them to familiarize themselves with different terms, tools, components and equipment used in solar technology.

It requires undeniable courage and endurance for women to leave their village for the first time to travel a great distance where language, food and culture are different. The first month is a period of many adjustments, but with time, care and support from their master trainers, they learn to adapt. Practical demonstrations or ‘hands-on’ experience and regular repetition help the trainees remember terms, tools, equipment and components that most learn for the first time. With each passing day, their confidence and ‘technical dexterity’ increases. The presence of trainees from different nationalities creates a positive environment of cultural diversity. The need for expression gives birth to a unique combination of gestures, signs and cutting across all language barriers. At the end of 6 months, the trainees graduate as Solar Engineers.

As per the prior agreements with their villages, the Solar Engineers go back to their respective villages and electrify the households with solar lighting units. Their training enables them to install panels independently. They assume the responsibility of repair and maintenance for a minimum of 5 years.

This clean, renewable affordable source of light has transformed the lives of many villagers, who reduce their risk of lung infection from black smoke and can see late into the evening for a higher quality of life.

Solar engineers play a key role in sustaining and replicating solar technology in rural communities. They help change the perception of a women’s societal role and cultural gender barriers.


Returning home as educated women is an incredible feat in Jharkhand. Many females of the state receive little or no formal education as boys are often selected first for studies. Household savings are often limited, causing families to have to choose which children will be allowed to go to school. Regardless of their literacy rate, Bindi Solar initiative enables any rural woman to enroll. While most women are forced into early marriage, child bearing and farm work, educated women have the potential to shift the traditional mindset in villages and pave the way for other young women.

Vrindawati and Birmuni returned home as local heroines and have gained the respect of the men and women in their communities. Now the villagers come to them seeking knowledge and insight. The Bindi approach purposely targets rural women as a means to establish increased gender equity in remote and marginalised communities.

Empowering women, who are largely under-utilised and given far fewer opportunities in life, helps to uplift entire communities. Entrusting them with sustainably driven skills and tools amplifies the benefits of their vocational training for everyone.