Research & Development

Research & Development Lab of Bindi International

R&D Team?

Research & development department has a team of dynamic individuals who are go-getters and who firmly believe in the power of building things. Team believes that education comes in many forms. Team comprises of those who follow traditional educational paths and those who have pursued alternative avenues of learning. This diversity of backgrounds enriches perspectives and empowers the department to approach problems from multiple angles.

Modern 3D Printer

The R&D approach

This department of Bindi International believes in addressing the diverse needs of people, recognizing that solutions effective in urban areas may not be suitable for rural scenarios. They value the knowledge and experience of individuals within specific geographies, as they possess a deep understanding of what works & what doesn’t. Therefore, the approach revolves around actively involving the community in suggesting the products they require.

PCB Milling & Engraving machine

Goal and Objectives

A key principle of R&D is long-term durability of products. They strive to avoid planned obsolescence at all costs. By consciously selecting components & designing products with serviceability and repairability in mind. This department aims to build products to last a lifetime. An integral aspect of their approach is empowering the Solar Engineers/ Solar Sakhis (local women entrepreneurs) to fabricate, sell, and repair these products as needed.

Computerised and Embroidery Sewing Machine

Computerised Embroidery & Sewing Machine at R&D Lab Harmara

Objectives that guide R&D approach

Our Computerised Sewing and embroidery machine

Community-Driven Innovation

Our R&D team values the expertise and insights of the community members who have a deep understanding of their local context. Team prioritizes community involvement, allowing them to suggest the products they need and actively participate.

Sustainable Design

Emphasize in on creating products that are built to last, avoiding planned obsolescence at all costs. Conscious decisions is made in parts selection and design, ensuring that the products remain serviceable and repairable, minimizing waste and maximizing their lifespan.

Circular Economy

Our R&D efforts are aligned with the principles of a circular economy. Aim is to minimize environmental impact of products by designing them to be repairable & reusable. The focus is on ensuring that products do not end up in landfills, but rather can be refurbished, repurposed, or recycled at the end of their useful life.

Empowering Somar Engineers/Sakhis

Our R&D department empowers the Solar Engineers/Sakhis within the community by involving them in the fabrication, sales, and repair of the products. This approach not only generates local employment opportunities but also ensures that the products are accessible and well-supported within the community.


Mechanical Machines

There are many mechanical machines available at our lab, some of them are welding machine, grinder machine and cutter machine.

Sustainable Material Selection

R&D team will prioritize use of sustainable materials in product design, considering factors such as durability, eco-friendliness & local availability. By making conscious decisions about material selection, we aim to minimize environmental impact of our products.

Community Engagement

Team actively engages with community members, conducting thorough needs assessments and gathering their suggestions and feedback. The insights provided by the community will inform our R&D activities and guide product development.

Serviceability and Repairability

Our products will be designed to be easily serviceable and repairable, allowing the solar Engineers/Sakhis to handle maintenance and repairs within the community. This approach enhances product longevity & reduces need for replacements.


Our R&D team work closely with community representatives, incorporating their traditional knowledge and expertise into the design and development process. This collaborative approach ensures that final products truly meet needs of the end-users.

Continuous Improvement

We will foster a culture of continuous improvement within the R&D team, encouraging iterative design processes, learning from user feedback, and incorporating lessons learned into subsequent product iterations. Regular evaluation and refinement will ensure that our products continuously evolve to better meet the needs of the community.