women changemakers

Sanju Illuminates a Brighter Future for Her Children and Community

Solar engineer Sanju Devi is holding a solar lantern that she made herself.

28-year-old Sanju's story is a beacon of hope and transformation. Her journey from a limited educational background to becoming a solar engineer is a testament to resilience and the power of empowerment.

Sanju’s formal education ended after the 8th grade. Like many women in her community, societal norms and family expectations curtailed her academic ambitions. Her in-laws believed that if women were more educated than their husbands, they might leave their marital homes. Accepting her fate, Sanju devoted herself to her family, raising her two young children, now aged 7 and 8. Despite these challenges, Sanju never lost her desire to learn and grow. Her turning point came when she enrolled in a five-month solar engineering training program supported by Royal Rajasthan Foundation and implemented by Bindi International.

Sanju Devi learning colour code during her training at Bindi International campus in Harmara village, Kishangarh.

This comprehensive program was a game-changer, equipping her with technical skills in repairing, installing, and assembling solar equipment. Additionally, it introduced her to essential digital tools like WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Drive, and the BHIM app for financial transactions, enhancing her digital literacy and connectivity.

Sanju Devi with other solar solar engineering trainees in classroom.

One of the standout components of the training was the sales module, where Sanju and her peers learned how to craft and deliver effective sales pitches. This skill is crucial for spreading the adoption of solar technology in rural areas, where word-of-mouth and personal trust play significant roles in decision-making.

Armed with her new skills and knowledge, Sanju returned to her village with a mission: to electrify 50 households using solar power. This endeavor is not just about bringing light to homes; it’s about illuminating a path to sustainable development and self-reliance for her community. By providing access to clean, renewable energy, Sanju is helping to reduce dependency on traditional, polluting energy sources and improving the quality of life for her neighbours.

During an interaction, Sanju shared her reflections on her journey. She spoke candidly about her education and the societal barriers she faced. However, she also expressed her unwavering commitment to her children’s education. “I want my children to have the opportunities I didn’t,” she said. “I want them to be educated and lead their lives in a better way.”

Sanju's story is a powerful reminder of the impact that education and skill development can have on individuals and communities. It underscores the importance of providing women with opportunities to learn and grow, regardless of societal constraints. Programs like the one offered at Bindi International Harmara are crucial in bridging the gender gap in education and employment, fostering a generation of women who are not only skilled but also empowered to lead and innovate.

As Sanju works to light up her village, she is also lighting up a new path for her children and many other women who look up to her as a role model. Her journey from a housewife with limited prospects to a solar engineer electrifying her community is an inspiring testament to what can be achieved when women are given the tools to succeed.

Sanju’s story is just one among many, but it carries a universal message: with education, support, and determination, women can overcome societal barriers and drive meaningful change in their communities.


Champa's Breakthrough: Embracing Technology for the First Time

Champa posing for shutterbugs post her solar training

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

Photos By Sanjay Malakar

Champa, a 26-year-old resident of Nichliphali hamlet, nestled in Uplagarh village, Mount Abu, is a woman whose resilience and determination echo through the ages.

Champa's story is not uncommon in rural India. Married off at the tender age of eight, she bid farewell to her childhood aspirations and embraced a life of household chores and farming duties. Education, once a beacon of hope, became a distant memory as she navigated complexities of adulthood far before her time.

Champa posing with a solar circuit

Yet, amidst the shadows of societal norms, Champa harboured a flicker of hope—a flame that refused to be extinguished. With an unyielding resolve, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, fueled by the desire to carve a brighter future not only for herself but for her 8-year-old daughter as well.

It was within the walls of Bindi International's solar training hall of Harmara, Kishangarh, that Champa found the catalyst for transformation. Here, she not only mastered the intricacies of solar engineering but also acquired invaluable life skills that empowered her in ways she never thought possible.

For the first time in her life, Champa learned to wield a smartphone, unlocking a world of possibilities at her fingertips. From online money transfers to digital literacy, she embraced technology with a fervor that belied her humble beginnings. Moreover, the training extended beyond technical expertise, delving into topics such as financial management and personal hygiene, enriching Champa's knowledge and confidence.

As Champa reminisces about her arduous journey, memories of toiling in the fields and embarking on treacherous journeys to sell her produce flood her mind. The incident of falling off an overloaded jeep serves as a poignant reminder of the risks she faced in pursuit of livelihood. Yet, from adversity emerged resilience, prompting Champa to adapt and prioritize her safety above all else.

Champa with fellow solar engineering trainees from Sirohi, Mount Abu

Now, armed with newfound skills and unwavering determination, Champa stands at the precipice of change. Her mission: to electrify 50 households in her village, banishing the darkness that has plagued them for far too long. With each solar panel she installs, she not only illuminates homes but also ignites hope within her community.

But Champa's ambitions extend far beyond electrification. With a steely resolve, she is determined to break the cycle of generational poverty and empower her daughter with the gift of education and independence. Through her own journey, she has forged a path for future generations to follow—a path illuminated by perseverance, resilience, and unwavering hope.

As Champa prepares to return to her village, her heart brims with anticipation. For her, the journey from darkness to light is not just a metaphorical one—it is a testament to the indomitable spirit of rural women, whose dreams defy the confines of tradition and adversity. And as she sets out to transform her community, Champa's story serves as a beacon of inspiration for all who dare to dream against all odds.

Inspirational Journey of Pooja Devi, Health Worker and Lifelong Learner

Health worker Pooja

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

Meet Pooja Devi, a 32-year-old health worker who defied educational barriers to carve her path in the NGO sector. Pooja's inspiring journey began in 2014 when she ventured into the audio-visual section, armed with little to no prior knowledge. Undeterred by her lack of formal education, Pooja embraced the opportunity to learn, showcasing her determination and passion

Pooja preparing for health workshop

Pooja Devi working on health material she uses during workshop to create awareness.

In 2014, Pooja Devi joined the NGO sector, immersing herself in the audio-visual section. Despite her initial lack of expertise, she dedicated 15 days to grasp the basics of handling cameras, creating videos, and capturing moments through photography. Her rapid learning curve propelled her into a dynamic role within the audio-visual team, where she showcased her newfound skills.

In 2017, Pooja took a significant leap by joining the Enriche department. Here, she honed her knowledge in health, hygiene, and overall well-being. Pooja not only learned the intricacies of Enriche but also became a teacher herself, training women not just in India but globally. Overcoming language barriers, Pooja emphasized her belief in learning first and then educating others.

Pooja Devi maintains record of the day long work she does.

Driven by a passion for community health, Pooja transitioned into a full-time health worker. She embarked on a journey to create awareness about menstrual health, nutrition, and anemia among women. Traveling extensively across various states in India, Pooja conducts workshops and awareness programs, leaving an indelible impact on the lives of countless women. During her multifaceted learning journey, Pooja acquired skills in report writing and adeptly used an iPad to create impactful presentations. Her ability to adapt to technological advancements showcases her resilience and commitment to continuous learning. “Being a health worker has been a transformative journey for me. In the beginning, I lacked confidence to discuss diverse topics, especially with men. I felt shy answering their questions, particularly those related to reproduction and other health aspects. However, over the years, this experience has become my strength. Now, I not only confidently conduct workshops with men but also address their inquiries with assurance."

Pooja's commitment to education didn't stop with her professional growth. Currently, she is leading advanced English learning classes, empowering others with the knowledge she has acquired. Pooja's story exemplifies the adage that learning is a lifelong journey, one that she continues to embrace with enthusiasm.

Pooja making cloth sanitary napkin.

Pooja Devi's remarkable journey from a novice in the audio-visual sector to a champion of women's health and education is a testament to the power of determination and continuous learning. Her story serves as an inspiration for those facing educational challenges, proving that with passion and perseverance, anyone can achieve their dreams and make a significant impact on the community.


Women Changemaker Series

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

Within the training hall's hallowed walls, a symphony of strength unfolds as Asha's voice resonates with the powerful notes of her regional song. Yet, amidst her vocal prowess, Asha is a silent observer, absorbing the lessons of the solar master trainer. Little did I know, when I first spoke to her during her days as a trainee at Bindi International in 2023, that behind her quiet demeanor lay a story capable of touching hearts and evoking deep emotions.

Solae engineer Asha in her solar training class of 2023

Man Behind the Lens: Sanjay Malakar

In this blog I have delved into the intricacies of Asha's life. Unveiling the layers of her personal tragedy and the profound silence she bore, we discover the tale of a woman who, much like the mythical phoenix, rose from the ashes of adversity.

‘Asha’ literally means hope and so is this woman a ray of hope for her community, hailing from Kukud village Mahuadanr Subdivision of Latehar district in Jharkhand was abandoned immediately after birth and unjustly blamed for her mother's untimely demise, Asha's early years were marred by adversity. A cruel twist of fate saw her father attempting to extinguish her young life. Yet, fate had other plans for Asha, as she found refuge and solace in the nurturing care of her maternal grandmother.

Asha assembling solar equipment in solar training class.

From the shadows of despair, Asha rose with a profound belief in giving life a second chance. Her roots in Kukud village run deep, and it is here that she discovered her purpose – to give back to society in a positive and impactful way.

Five months back Asha came to Bindi International campus and underwent solar engineering training, she was preparing to be a catalyst for change in her village. With an unwavering commitment to uplifting her community, she envisions electrifying Kukud, a place where the absence of electricity casts shadows on the daily lives of its residents. Keeping all her trauma aside, Asha says, “Life gave me a second chance and I want to give back to my community where I grew up.”

Solar engineer Asha

Asha's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative impact one individual can have on an entire community. She has returned to her village and is gearing to electrify 50 households through solar electrification.

Solar engineer Asha during her final days in solar classroom

The journey from abandonment to empowerment is never easy, but Asha's story reminds us that adversity can be the catalyst for positive change. Stay tuned as we follow Asha's inspiring expedition, witnessing the transformation of a village and the illumination of countless lives. Together, we can celebrate the triumph of the human spirit and the enduring power of hope.

Asha's story in Dainik Bhaskar newspaper

Solar engineer Urmila from Uttar Pradesh

The adage Where there is a will, there is a way finds tangible validation in the story of a woman from Uttar Pradesh, belonging to a tribal community and raised in a family with limited resources. Despite the obstacles presented by her background, her steadfast determination and yearning for independence served as the impetus propelling her onward. This blog invites you to embark on a journey through her experiences, offering inspiration drawn from her remarkable story of resilience and triumph.

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

(Pictures by Sanjay Malakar)

Urmila posing with solar lantern

Meet Urmila who hails from Nandana village in Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh. Her journey was not an easy one. In a community where education often took a back seat, she managed to complete her 12th grade, fueling her aspirations for higher education and financial independence. However, fate had different plans for her. After completing her 12th grade, she found herself married and uprooted to a new home. Despite the societal norms and resistance from her in-laws, her passion for education persisted. Guided by her mother's unwavering belief in education, Urmila's dream of becoming a health worker in her community began to take shape. Despite all resistance, she kept trying and finally became Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (ANM) in her community.

Urmila learning installation in solar engineering class at Bindi campus

For two years, Urmila served as an ANM in her village, defying societal expectations and familial objections. Yet, her dream was short-lived as family pressure forced her to resign from her job. Undeterred, she embraced her roles as a homemaker and a mother, never letting go of her aspirations. “Becoming an ANM was my dream and when this turned into a reality, my happiness knew no bounds but that was short lived, but now when I am learning this new skill of solar engineering, I look at it as an opportunity to make a comeback and make a difference in the society,” shared Urmila.

Solar engineer Urmila from Uttar Pradesh

Urmila during posing with solar panels at the campus of Bindi International

Urmila's life took a transformative turn when an opportunity arose in her village in the form of solar training at the Bindi International. With determination in her heart, Urmila convinced her family and seized this opportunity, enrolling in a five-month residential training program at the Harmara campus. During this period, she not only mastered the intricacies of solar equipment, but also honed her skills in mobile phone usage, internet proficiency, and various apps like Bhim and Sakhi. Additionally, the Enriche Training program equipped her with knowledge on health, financial savings, and personal development.

Solar training class at Bindi International

Urmila with her batchmates in solar training class

Urmila's newfound expertise as a solar engineer filled her with immense pride and a renewed sense of purpose. Her ambition now knows no bounds. She envisions returning to her village and illuminating every household with solar home lighting systems. Through her newfound skills, she aims to empower other women in her community, providing them with the means to break free from the confines of their homes and pursue their dreams. “I look at this training as an opportunity and I am aiming to be a master trainer who would change others life as well, my biggest dream is to be a teacher and change others’ lives,” shared Urmila.

Solar class in Bindi International

In Urmila's eyes, this journey represents more than just a personal triumph; it embodies the spirit of resilience and the unwavering belief that with determination and the right opportunities, anyone can overcome adversity. 

Kiran: A Ray of Hope Illuminating Lives and Inspiring Change

Kiran showing the solar lantern she assembled. (Photo Credit-Sanjay Malakar)

Writen By: Swapna Sarita Mohanty

In the remote village of Kukud, nestled within the Mahuadanr Subdivision of Latehar district in Jharkhand, a remarkable woman named Kiran is rewriting the narrative of her community. Unlike many others, Kiran embarked on a unique journey – not just by pursuing her dreams but also by lighting the way for her village and supporting her family members' education through her entrepreneurial venture.

For the past six years, Kiran has been a pivotal member of a Self-Help Group (SHG) in her village. She has extended her support to the women in her community financially, mentally, and educationally. "In the SHG, I have been working closely with 10 groups, addressing their challenges, finding solutions, and ensuring that education becomes a priority," Kiran shared during a recent interaction.

Kiran learning the intricacies of installation.

Kiran's dedication to her community doesn't end there. Faced with the persistent issue of lack of electricity in her village, she took it upon herself to find a solution. She ventured to the Harmara campus, where she is underwent rigorous training in solar engineering for five months. Over the course of her training, Kiran mastered the intricacies of solar technology, equipping herself with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of the sun. Now, armed with her newfound expertise, Kiran is on a mission to electrify her village, which has long been shrouded in darkness. By bringing sustainable energy to her community, she is not only illuminating homes but also paving the way for progress and development.

Kiran assembling the Bindi torch.

Kiran's story is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment. Her ability to balance her entrepreneurial pursuits, family responsibilities, and community support reflects her exceptional leadership qualities. Through her efforts, she is not only transforming the lives of her fellow villagers but also inspiring a new generation of changemakers.

Kiran with other Solar engineers of her batch.

As we celebrate Kiran's achievements, let her journey serve as a beacon of hope and motivation. She exemplifies the impact one individual can make, reminding us of all that with determination and compassion, we can create a brighter, more empowered future for everyone.