education matters

Inspirational Journey of Pooja Devi, Health Worker and Lifelong Learner

Health worker Pooja

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

Meet Pooja Devi, a 32-year-old health worker who defied educational barriers to carve her path in the NGO sector. Pooja's inspiring journey began in 2014 when she ventured into the audio-visual section, armed with little to no prior knowledge. Undeterred by her lack of formal education, Pooja embraced the opportunity to learn, showcasing her determination and passion

Pooja preparing for health workshop

Pooja Devi working on health material she uses during workshop to create awareness.

In 2014, Pooja Devi joined the NGO sector, immersing herself in the audio-visual section. Despite her initial lack of expertise, she dedicated 15 days to grasp the basics of handling cameras, creating videos, and capturing moments through photography. Her rapid learning curve propelled her into a dynamic role within the audio-visual team, where she showcased her newfound skills.

In 2017, Pooja took a significant leap by joining the Enriche department. Here, she honed her knowledge in health, hygiene, and overall well-being. Pooja not only learned the intricacies of Enriche but also became a teacher herself, training women not just in India but globally. Overcoming language barriers, Pooja emphasized her belief in learning first and then educating others.

Pooja Devi maintains record of the day long work she does.

Driven by a passion for community health, Pooja transitioned into a full-time health worker. She embarked on a journey to create awareness about menstrual health, nutrition, and anemia among women. Traveling extensively across various states in India, Pooja conducts workshops and awareness programs, leaving an indelible impact on the lives of countless women. During her multifaceted learning journey, Pooja acquired skills in report writing and adeptly used an iPad to create impactful presentations. Her ability to adapt to technological advancements showcases her resilience and commitment to continuous learning. “Being a health worker has been a transformative journey for me. In the beginning, I lacked confidence to discuss diverse topics, especially with men. I felt shy answering their questions, particularly those related to reproduction and other health aspects. However, over the years, this experience has become my strength. Now, I not only confidently conduct workshops with men but also address their inquiries with assurance."

Pooja's commitment to education didn't stop with her professional growth. Currently, she is leading advanced English learning classes, empowering others with the knowledge she has acquired. Pooja's story exemplifies the adage that learning is a lifelong journey, one that she continues to embrace with enthusiasm.

Pooja making cloth sanitary napkin.

Pooja Devi's remarkable journey from a novice in the audio-visual sector to a champion of women's health and education is a testament to the power of determination and continuous learning. Her story serves as an inspiration for those facing educational challenges, proving that with passion and perseverance, anyone can achieve their dreams and make a significant impact on the community.


Resilient World of 12-Year-Old Manisha

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty/ (Photos By Sanjay Malakar)

In dusty marble factory area of Kishangarh, Rajasthan resides a community of banjara in Banjaro Ki Basti, where the bitter winter cold bites at every corner, there stands a remarkable 12-year-old girl named Manisha. Her hands are covered with marble dust, her face bears the harsh imprints of the winter cold, and her hair is roughly tied, revealing the struggles she faces daily. Yet, within these challenges, Manisha harbours a dream – a dream to become a teacher and illuminate the lives of children like herself.

Writer in conversation with Manisha at her home in Banjaro Ki Basti, Kishangarh.

In this blog, I have delved into the extraordinary life of Manisha, capturing her unwavering spirit and determination to overcome limited resources and pursue her dream of education. Despite the harshness of her circumstances, Manisha's resilience shines through.

Manisha doing household chores at her home in Banjaro Ki Basti.

Every day, Manisha's routine is a testament to her commitment. Covered in dust, she wakes up at 5 in the morning, takes charge of household chores, prepares meals, and cares for her younger siblings. Then, with unwavering dedication, she heads to the Digital Community School, where her eyes light up with enthusiasm for subjects like Hindi, English, and environmental studies. For Manisha, the school represents more than just learning; it's a sanctuary where she utilizes tablets, plays engaging games, and connects with new faces, turning her educational journey into a source of joy.

Manisha using iPad at Digital Community School

However, Manisha's day doesn't end there. After her classes, she selflessly contributes to her family's income by assisting her mother in a marble factory, sweeping the floor to support their livelihood. As I sat with her in the modest mud house, its roof made of plastic sheeting offering limited protection from the biting cold, I marveled at her resilience and contentment.

Manisha having lunch with her siblings and mother.

Despite the challenges and the biting cold inside her humble dwelling, Manisha radiates cheerfulness. Her satisfaction with life is rooted in a simple desire – to receive an education and share that knowledge with others in need, much like herself. "My biggest inspirations are my teachers at the Digital Community School; the way they teach and share knowledge is remarkable," she shared with a sparkle in her eyes.

Manisha helping her mother at marble factory.

Manisha's story is not just one of adversity but of triumph, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dream beyond their circumstances. As we peer into her world, we find inspiration in the face of hardship, hope within the cold walls of her home, and the determination to forge a brighter future through the transformative power of education. Manisha's journey reminds us of those dreams, no matter how humble the beginnings, have the potential to break through barriers and illuminate the path to a better tomorrow.