
Solar engineer Urmila from Uttar Pradesh

The adage Where there is a will, there is a way finds tangible validation in the story of a woman from Uttar Pradesh, belonging to a tribal community and raised in a family with limited resources. Despite the obstacles presented by her background, her steadfast determination and yearning for independence served as the impetus propelling her onward. This blog invites you to embark on a journey through her experiences, offering inspiration drawn from her remarkable story of resilience and triumph.

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

(Pictures by Sanjay Malakar)

Urmila posing with solar lantern

Meet Urmila who hails from Nandana village in Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh. Her journey was not an easy one. In a community where education often took a back seat, she managed to complete her 12th grade, fueling her aspirations for higher education and financial independence. However, fate had different plans for her. After completing her 12th grade, she found herself married and uprooted to a new home. Despite the societal norms and resistance from her in-laws, her passion for education persisted. Guided by her mother's unwavering belief in education, Urmila's dream of becoming a health worker in her community began to take shape. Despite all resistance, she kept trying and finally became Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (ANM) in her community.

Urmila learning installation in solar engineering class at Bindi campus

For two years, Urmila served as an ANM in her village, defying societal expectations and familial objections. Yet, her dream was short-lived as family pressure forced her to resign from her job. Undeterred, she embraced her roles as a homemaker and a mother, never letting go of her aspirations. “Becoming an ANM was my dream and when this turned into a reality, my happiness knew no bounds but that was short lived, but now when I am learning this new skill of solar engineering, I look at it as an opportunity to make a comeback and make a difference in the society,” shared Urmila.

Solar engineer Urmila from Uttar Pradesh

Urmila during posing with solar panels at the campus of Bindi International

Urmila's life took a transformative turn when an opportunity arose in her village in the form of solar training at the Bindi International. With determination in her heart, Urmila convinced her family and seized this opportunity, enrolling in a five-month residential training program at the Harmara campus. During this period, she not only mastered the intricacies of solar equipment, but also honed her skills in mobile phone usage, internet proficiency, and various apps like Bhim and Sakhi. Additionally, the Enriche Training program equipped her with knowledge on health, financial savings, and personal development.

Solar training class at Bindi International

Urmila with her batchmates in solar training class

Urmila's newfound expertise as a solar engineer filled her with immense pride and a renewed sense of purpose. Her ambition now knows no bounds. She envisions returning to her village and illuminating every household with solar home lighting systems. Through her newfound skills, she aims to empower other women in her community, providing them with the means to break free from the confines of their homes and pursue their dreams. “I look at this training as an opportunity and I am aiming to be a master trainer who would change others life as well, my biggest dream is to be a teacher and change others’ lives,” shared Urmila.

Solar class in Bindi International

In Urmila's eyes, this journey represents more than just a personal triumph; it embodies the spirit of resilience and the unwavering belief that with determination and the right opportunities, anyone can overcome adversity.