Digital Community Schools

Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders at the Heart of Innovation – Story of Sharda

Sharda Jat

Sharda Jat while sharing her story.

In the heart of progress and innovation, Digital Community School (DCS) stands tall as a beacon of transformative education. Sharda Jat, a testament to the school's evolution, has not only traversed the corridors of learning at DCS but has also taken the helm as education trainer, shaping the future of education for teachers at the very institution that molded her. In this candid conversation, Sharda reflects on her educational journey, emphasizing the shift from traditional methods to a digitally infused and engaging learning environment.

Sharda Jat

Sharda working on iPad making a presentation.

During a candid chat, Sharda fondly recalls her days at the Community School, which has now evolved into the Digital Community School. The transition has been remarkable, with the integration of technology transforming the educational landscape. From the era of traditional textbooks to the present, where gadgets like iPads and projectors are instrumental in delivering lessons, DCS has embraced innovation for a more engaging and effective learning experience.

Sharda in conversation with author

Sharda in conversation with the author of the blog.

Sharda's journey from a student at DCS to an education trainer showcases the school's commitment to nurturing talent within its own walls. Her passion for education led her to the forefront, where she now plays a pivotal role in training teachers to adopt innovative and interesting teaching methods. Sharda's story serves as an inspiration for current and future students, proving that the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds.

At 26, Sharda is not only a mother but also a dedicated student herself, pursuing a Master's in Social Work with plans for a Ph.D. Education, for Sharda, is a lifelong journey, and she advocates for a continuous pursuit of knowledge. She believes that the more one learns, the more they grow, emphasizing the importance of keeping the flame of curiosity alive throughout one's life.

Sharda reminisces about the lack of technology during her student days at DCS. However, she acknowledges the positive change brought about by the inclusion of technology in today's classrooms. The use of iPads, projectors, and films has not only made learning more interactive but has also opened new avenues for understanding complex concepts, leaving a lasting impression on young minds.

Sharda Jat

Sharda Jat in discussion with team members.

Sharda's personal growth mirrors the evolution of education at DCS. As technology seeped into the educational landscape, Sharda embraced the change and became technically sound. Her journey reflects the adaptability required in the digital age, where learning is a dynamic and evolving process. As the Digital Community School continues to embrace innovation and create an environment where learning is not just informative but also enjoyable, Sharda Jat stands as a living example of the school's success. From a student enchanted by the realism of education to an education trainer shaping the future, her journey encapsulates the spirit of DCS – a commitment to lifelong learning and a belief that education is the key to growth and progress.

Resilient World of 12-Year-Old Manisha

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty/ (Photos By Sanjay Malakar)

In dusty marble factory area of Kishangarh, Rajasthan resides a community of banjara in Banjaro Ki Basti, where the bitter winter cold bites at every corner, there stands a remarkable 12-year-old girl named Manisha. Her hands are covered with marble dust, her face bears the harsh imprints of the winter cold, and her hair is roughly tied, revealing the struggles she faces daily. Yet, within these challenges, Manisha harbours a dream – a dream to become a teacher and illuminate the lives of children like herself.

Writer in conversation with Manisha at her home in Banjaro Ki Basti, Kishangarh.

In this blog, I have delved into the extraordinary life of Manisha, capturing her unwavering spirit and determination to overcome limited resources and pursue her dream of education. Despite the harshness of her circumstances, Manisha's resilience shines through.

Manisha doing household chores at her home in Banjaro Ki Basti.

Every day, Manisha's routine is a testament to her commitment. Covered in dust, she wakes up at 5 in the morning, takes charge of household chores, prepares meals, and cares for her younger siblings. Then, with unwavering dedication, she heads to the Digital Community School, where her eyes light up with enthusiasm for subjects like Hindi, English, and environmental studies. For Manisha, the school represents more than just learning; it's a sanctuary where she utilizes tablets, plays engaging games, and connects with new faces, turning her educational journey into a source of joy.

Manisha using iPad at Digital Community School

However, Manisha's day doesn't end there. After her classes, she selflessly contributes to her family's income by assisting her mother in a marble factory, sweeping the floor to support their livelihood. As I sat with her in the modest mud house, its roof made of plastic sheeting offering limited protection from the biting cold, I marveled at her resilience and contentment.

Manisha having lunch with her siblings and mother.

Despite the challenges and the biting cold inside her humble dwelling, Manisha radiates cheerfulness. Her satisfaction with life is rooted in a simple desire – to receive an education and share that knowledge with others in need, much like herself. "My biggest inspirations are my teachers at the Digital Community School; the way they teach and share knowledge is remarkable," she shared with a sparkle in her eyes.

Manisha helping her mother at marble factory.

Manisha's story is not just one of adversity but of triumph, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dream beyond their circumstances. As we peer into her world, we find inspiration in the face of hardship, hope within the cold walls of her home, and the determination to forge a brighter future through the transformative power of education. Manisha's journey reminds us of those dreams, no matter how humble the beginnings, have the potential to break through barriers and illuminate the path to a better tomorrow.

Rural Women Day: A Celebration of Strength and Innovation

Team Bindi International, Josh and influencers.

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

In the heart of rural India, amidst the rustic charm of Harmara village in Kishangarh, an extraordinary event unfolded on October 15, 2023 (International Rural Women's Day). Josh App, a video-sharing social networking service, owned by VerSe Innovation and Bindi International, together, showcased the remarkable stories of resilience, creativity, and determination exhibited by women from rural India.

Digital Community School Kishangarh

Influencers at Digital Community School, Kishangarh

Spotlight on the Event

The event witnessed the convergence of influencers and innovators—Somya Shekhawat, Dipti Sharma, Deepak Yadav, and Govind Vishukarma—who ventured into the heart of rural Rajasthan. Their destination: the Digital Community School in Kishangarh and the Bindi International campus in Harmara village. Here, these influencers engaged in meaningful interactions with the women behind innovative initiatives such as digital education, solar training, and sanitary pad making, among others.

Capturing Inspirational Moments

The influencers, armed with their smartphones, brought the event to life on various social media platforms. Through live streams and engaging videos, they shed light on the ingenious techniques employed by these women. From preparing nutritious meals to mastering digital sewing, the women showcased their skills with pride and passion. These videos, now bound for millions of screens, promise to inspire change and foster support for these resilient communities.

Influencers understanding sanitary pad making process

Influencers Somya and Dipti understanding the process of sanitary pad making for our health worker Pooja.

The Collaborative Spirit

Rituparna Das, Josh community manager, expressed the platform's commitment to innovative collaboration. For Josh, it's more than just a partnership; it's a testament to the power of unity. Through their association with Bindi International, they aim to highlight the journey of rural women towards economic and social independence, proving that determination knows no boundaries.


In the tapestry of rural India, these women are weaving threads of change, hope, and progress. The collaboration between Josh App and Bindi International serves as a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a future where every woman, regardless of her background, is empowered to shape her destiny. As we celebrate International Rural Women's Day, let us carry forward the spirit of unity, support, and collaboration, ensuring that the stories of these remarkable women echo far and wide, inspiring generations to come. Join us in celebrating the strength and innovation of rural women. Together, let's make their voices heard.

Celebrating the Guiding Lights: Teachers' Day at Digital Community School

Teachers' Day celebration at Digital Community School

Written By Subhrayu Das

On Teachers’ Day (September 5, 2023), Digital Community School (DCS) in Rajasthan, Odisha, Himachal, and Assam came alive with gratitude and celebration as teachers and students joined hands to commemorate this special day. In a heartwarming display of appreciation and creativity, the DCS community united to pay homage to their educators.

A Spiritual Start

The day kicked off with a solemn prayer, a moment of reflection that set the tone for the entire celebration. It was a reminder of the spiritual and moral guidance teachers provide, shaping not only minds but also souls.

On this day tribute was paid to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Asha Singh, one of the teachers at Digital Community Schools, took the stage to share the inspiring biography of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose birthday coincides with Teachers' Day in India. His life's journey and contributions to education continue to inspire educators and students alike. Asha Singh's presentation was a fitting tribute to a visionary teacher who became the President of India.

Digital Community School in Bichun, Jaipur

Teachers’ Day celebration at Digital Community School Bichun, Jaipur

The Tale of Dronacharya and Eklavya

To emphasize the profound teacher-student relationship, a captivating story from the Mahabharata was narrated. The tale of Dronacharya and Eklavya serves as a timeless example of mentorship, dedication, and the thirst for knowledge. It underscored the importance of the bond between a teacher and a student in the journey of learning and self-discovery.

Children of DCS in Rajasthan displaying the drawings they dedicated to their teachers

A Splash of Artistic Expression

Teachers at DCS organized a drawing competition that allowed students to unleash their artistic talents. The young artists chose to pay homage to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan by creating stunning portraits and crafting Teachers' Day postcards. These creations were not just art; they were heartfelt expressions of gratitude and admiration for their teachers.

Children and teachers of Digital Community School in Himachal Pradesh celebrating Teachers’ Day

The Gift of Appreciation

The pinnacle of the celebration came when students presented heartfelt Teachers' Day cards to their beloved educators. These tokens of appreciation were more than just paper and colors; they were gestures that conveyed the profound impact teachers have on their students' lives.

The Teachers' Day celebration at Digital Community School was a remarkable testament to the enduring bond between teachers and students. It was a day that showcased the students' creativity and, more importantly, fostered a deep sense of appreciation and respect for the educators who play an indispensable role in shaping their futures. It was a reminder that in the journey of life, teachers are the guiding lights who illuminate the way forward.

Digital Community Schoo in Odisha

Teacher of Digital Community School in Odisha interacting with students on Teachers’ Day

On this Teachers' Day, let us remember that the influence of a great teacher can never be erased, and their lessons can last a lifetime. To all the teachers at DCS and around the world, we salute your dedication, your wisdom, and your unwavering commitment to nurturing the minds and hearts of our future generations. Happy Teachers' Day! 

The Journey of Hope: Illuminating Paths Towards Freedom from Child Labour

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

In the heart of Kishangarh, a remarkable event unfolded on the occasion of Child Labour Day (June 12, 2023), orchestrated by the EMPBindi International Association. The Digital Community School in Banjaro ki Basti, Marble Area, served as the backdrop for a transformative day dedicated to raising awareness and taking action against child labour. With passion and determination, the event aimed to ignite a flame of hope, casting light upon the urgent need to eradicate child labour and pave the way for a brighter future for all children.

Children of Digital Community School taking out a rally

The Rally for Change: Marching Towards Freedom

The event commenced with an awe-inspiring rally led by the very children whose lives had been touched by the Digital Community School. With colorful banners waving high and voices echoing through the streets, these young advocates courageously championed the cause of ending child labour. Their passionate calls for education and freedom resounded, captivating the attention and stirring the hearts of all who witnessed their powerful display of unity and determination.

Children of Digital Community School with master trainers and educators

A Poignant Street Play: Unmasking the Reality

The stage was set for a mesmerizing street play, where the children transformed into thespians, immersing themselves in the roles of child laborers. Through their poignant portrayal of the struggles and hardships faced by these young souls, they painted a vivid picture of the cruel reality of child labour. Each scene unfolded like a chapter of resilience, capturing the audience's attention and evoking deep emotions. The street play became a catalyst for introspection, compelling individuals to confront the gravity of the issue and inspiring them to take action.

Trainer Sharda Jat having a discussion with children of Digital Community School

Illuminating the Harsh Realities: A Cinematic Awakening

In a powerful visual presentation, the harsh realities endured by child labourers were brought to life. Through evocative storytelling, the video shattered the complacency of onlookers and kindled a burning desire for change. Compassion ignited, as the viewers (Digital Community School children and trainers) were compelled to confront the injustice and take a stand against child labour.

A Collaborative Discussion: Igniting Innovative Solutions

The event further stimulated the exchange of ideas and strategies through a dynamic discussion. Educators, and community leaders united, determined to find innovative solutions to combat child labour. In the spirit of collaboration, they explored effective strategies and shared insights, recognizing that lasting change required collective efforts. The air crackled with optimism as participants delved into creative approaches, laying the foundation for sustainable action to dismantle the chains of child labour.

Environment Day celebration at Digital Community Schools

Children of Digital Community School in Kishangarh, Rajasthan

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

Children of digital community schools in Kishangarh, Rajasthan, Hathikuli & Sessa, Assam, and Rakh Ghanshot village in Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh came together on World Environment Day to organize activities aimed at combating plastic pollution. Digital Community school run by EMPBindi International Association, collaborated to educate their students about the environment, engage in interactive sessions, and plant trees. This blog post highlights the inspiring efforts of these digital community school and their contribution to the global theme of Beat Plastic Pollution.

Educating Students on Environmental Significance:

Master trainer Rafik having an interactive session on 'stop plastic pollution' with children of Digital Community School at Kishangarh, Rajasthan

Master Trainer Rafik Mohammad intercating with students of DCS in Kishangarh, Rajasthan

The day commenced with dedicated master trainers connecting with the students through digital platforms. They shared insightful presentations, videos, and interactive sessions, emphasizing the importance of protecting the environment. Through engaging discussions, the students from Digital Community Schools gained a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues, with a specific focus on plastic pollution.

Children of Digital Community School demonstrating different types of waste

Students demonstrating their comprehensive understanding of waste segregation

DCS students of Sessa, Assam demonstrating their drawings on World Environment Day

Differentiating Wet and Dry Waste:

To encourage responsible waste management practices, the trainers explained the distinction between wet waste and dry waste to the students. They emphasized the significance of proper waste segregation and disposal methods. The students actively participated in virtual discussions and shared their experiences, providing valuable insights into waste management challenges faced in their respective communities.

Students of DCS Kishangarh holding plastic wastes while posing for shutterbugs

Students of DCS Assam performing a play on World Environment Day

Garbage Collection Initiative:

Following the educational sessions, the students were encouraged to actively participate in a garbage collection initiative within their communities. With the guidance of their teachers and trainers, the students embarked on a mission to collect plastic waste from their surroundings. Through the use of technology, they documented their efforts and shared their experiences with peers from different digital community schools, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

Trainer Shardda Jat interacting with students of DCS Rajasthan, showing them video

Virtual Discussions on Plastic Pollution:

To deepen their knowledge on the impact of plastic pollution, the students watched informative videos highlighting the detrimental effects of plastic on ecosystems and human health. Subsequently, virtual discussions were held, enabling students from different regions to exchange ideas, experiences, and potential solutions to address plastic pollution. The discussions proved to be intellectually stimulating, nurturing the students' critical thinking abilities and encouraging them to become change agents in their communities

Collective Tree Planting Ceremony:

In a symbolic act of commitment to environmental protection, the digital community school simultaneously conducted a collective tree planting ceremony. Each school organized a local event where students, under the guidance of their teachers and trainers, planted trees in their respective regions. The significance of this ceremony lay in its representation of a united front against plastic pollution, transcending geographical boundaries.

Students at digital community schools demonstrated exceptional dedication on World Environment Day. By uniting their efforts to combat plastic pollution, children exemplified the power of technology in fostering connections and facilitating meaningful discussions among students from different regions. The education provided, waste management initiatives, virtual discussions, and collective tree planting ceremonies not only enriched the students' understanding of environmental issues but also instilled in them a sense of responsibility and empowerment. Through these united efforts, the digital community schools has set a remarkable example for the world, showing that collective action knows no boundaries in the fight against plastic pollution.