children saving world

Environment Day celebration at Digital Community Schools

Children of Digital Community School in Kishangarh, Rajasthan

Written By Swapna Sarita Mohanty

Children of digital community schools in Kishangarh, Rajasthan, Hathikuli & Sessa, Assam, and Rakh Ghanshot village in Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh came together on World Environment Day to organize activities aimed at combating plastic pollution. Digital Community school run by EMPBindi International Association, collaborated to educate their students about the environment, engage in interactive sessions, and plant trees. This blog post highlights the inspiring efforts of these digital community school and their contribution to the global theme of Beat Plastic Pollution.

Educating Students on Environmental Significance:

Master trainer Rafik having an interactive session on 'stop plastic pollution' with children of Digital Community School at Kishangarh, Rajasthan

Master Trainer Rafik Mohammad intercating with students of DCS in Kishangarh, Rajasthan

The day commenced with dedicated master trainers connecting with the students through digital platforms. They shared insightful presentations, videos, and interactive sessions, emphasizing the importance of protecting the environment. Through engaging discussions, the students from Digital Community Schools gained a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues, with a specific focus on plastic pollution.

Children of Digital Community School demonstrating different types of waste

Students demonstrating their comprehensive understanding of waste segregation

DCS students of Sessa, Assam demonstrating their drawings on World Environment Day

Differentiating Wet and Dry Waste:

To encourage responsible waste management practices, the trainers explained the distinction between wet waste and dry waste to the students. They emphasized the significance of proper waste segregation and disposal methods. The students actively participated in virtual discussions and shared their experiences, providing valuable insights into waste management challenges faced in their respective communities.

Students of DCS Kishangarh holding plastic wastes while posing for shutterbugs

Students of DCS Assam performing a play on World Environment Day

Garbage Collection Initiative:

Following the educational sessions, the students were encouraged to actively participate in a garbage collection initiative within their communities. With the guidance of their teachers and trainers, the students embarked on a mission to collect plastic waste from their surroundings. Through the use of technology, they documented their efforts and shared their experiences with peers from different digital community schools, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

Trainer Shardda Jat interacting with students of DCS Rajasthan, showing them video

Virtual Discussions on Plastic Pollution:

To deepen their knowledge on the impact of plastic pollution, the students watched informative videos highlighting the detrimental effects of plastic on ecosystems and human health. Subsequently, virtual discussions were held, enabling students from different regions to exchange ideas, experiences, and potential solutions to address plastic pollution. The discussions proved to be intellectually stimulating, nurturing the students' critical thinking abilities and encouraging them to become change agents in their communities

Collective Tree Planting Ceremony:

In a symbolic act of commitment to environmental protection, the digital community school simultaneously conducted a collective tree planting ceremony. Each school organized a local event where students, under the guidance of their teachers and trainers, planted trees in their respective regions. The significance of this ceremony lay in its representation of a united front against plastic pollution, transcending geographical boundaries.

Students at digital community schools demonstrated exceptional dedication on World Environment Day. By uniting their efforts to combat plastic pollution, children exemplified the power of technology in fostering connections and facilitating meaningful discussions among students from different regions. The education provided, waste management initiatives, virtual discussions, and collective tree planting ceremonies not only enriched the students' understanding of environmental issues but also instilled in them a sense of responsibility and empowerment. Through these united efforts, the digital community schools has set a remarkable example for the world, showing that collective action knows no boundaries in the fight against plastic pollution.