leaders of tomorrow

Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders

The two-day workshop, designed to bridge the gap between urban youth and the realities of rural India, concluded on Monday (October 9, 2023). We organized this workshop in collaboration with Welham Boys School at their campus in Dehradun, the event marked the initiation of the inaugural batch of ‘Global Changemakers’ at Welham Boys School

Workshop with Welham Boys

Shuvajit Payne and Anisha Gupta from Bindi International taking session with Welham boys.

Expert trainers from Bindi International engaged the students in discussions about the significance of social development and its practical implications. Eager to learn, the students shared anecdotes, posed questions, and expressed their keenness to contribute meaningfully to society. To satiate their thirst for knowledge and offer insights into the program, an interactive video conference was arranged with three inspiring women grassroots champions associated with Bindi International NGO.

Asha and Shuvajit Payne from Bindi International in discussion with Welham Boys.

During this session, master solar trainer Kamala Devi, solar engineering trainee Urmila Devi, and young professional Shaina Bano, who focuses on rural education technology, shared their experiences. Their narratives illuminated the challenges and triumphs faced by women in rural areas, providing valuable insights to the students.

Students during a session with Shuvajit Payne from Bindi International

The first day of the workshop also featured an engaging virtual session with Sanjana Yadav, an urban Gender Studies specialist, who shared her journey of working with rural women and youth. Her story offered an inspiring perspective on how individuals can bring about positive change by empowering those in need comprehensively.

Solar master trainer Kamala Devi and solar engineering trainee Urmila interacting with students through video call.

The workshop's second day concluded with Asha Kumari, one of the health and education trainers at Bindi International who specializes in fertility and menstrual hygiene sensitization, sharing her personal story in an interview with students. In response to a student's question, Asha remarked, "If you are a Changemaker, expect naysayers to scoff. Nevertheless, build connections, and over time, people will recognize your perspective.”

Asha in conversation with Shuvajit

Discussing the workshop's significance, Shuvajit Payne emphasized, “Through the Youth Changemakers program, these young boys will grow into empathetic leaders, equipped with a profound understanding of multidimensional rural issues. They will engage in hands-on social contributions driven by a passion for social causes, nurturing genuine leadership and self-reflection.”

Anisha Gupta, managing the project at Bindi, pondered on the program’s impact, stating, "This unique initiative will sensitize youth, especially boys, towards social development through women empowerment. These boys will represent a generation of youth who are not only academically bright but also social changemakers of today and tomorrow."