We are dedicated to supporting the livelihoods of rural women in India, who are often marginalised and lack access to resources and opportunities. These women are an integral part of India's cultural diversity, and we believe that empowering them is essential for achieving sustainable development and Climate Justice in the country. Our initiatives focus on creating sustainable livelihoods through entrepreneurship, vocational training, and market access. By working closely with rural women and tailoring our solutions to their specific context, we aim to create a more equitable and prosperous society that benefits everyone.

In India we implement different initiatives to support rural women’s livelihoods:

We have implemented several initiatives in India to support rural women's livelihoods, including training programmes, an overarching tool for women's empowerment, and agroecology and livelihoods curriculums. The 'Enriche' program covers eight relevant topics and has directly trained 3,077 women, with 15,385 indirect beneficiaries. Our agroecology and livelihoods curriculums for women farmers target specific food products, such as our coffee livelihoods program in Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. We remain committed to empowering rural women and supporting sustainable development in India.

Technology Transfer, Enterprise & Empowerment

At Bindi International, we believe in the transformative power of appropriate technology transfer, especially for women in rural communities. Our solar systems are designed to be installed and maintained by women themselves, providing them with the resources to take charge of their own lives and contribute to the development of their communities.

Through this empowerment, our Solar Engineers gain technical knowledge, confidence, self-awareness, and a sense of belonging to a global community of women in similar situations. We are proud to be part of this process that brings value, recognition, and livelihoods to women for many years to come. As an organisation, we strongly believe in the importance of women's empowerment and gender equity as key factors for sustainable development and Climate Justice. Our initiatives in India naturally address 14 of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals, including providing vocational and educational opportunities to women and girls from marginalised rural communities.

Our grassroots programmes work in partnership with local communities to resolve the global skills gap and promote sustainable economic uplift. We believe that this work contributes to creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for everyone.

In addition to our solar technology initiatives, we have developed the Enriche curriculum, which provides training in eight key areas including digital literacy, women’s health, and entrepreneurship. Through these programmes, we seek to create a comprehensive approach to women’s empowerment that addresses both technology and the social, cultural, and economic context in which it is applied.

Join us in our mission to create a better world through women’s empowerment & sustainable development

India women empower solar nonprofit

Our solar engineer Anjali feels elated while explaining the circuit she assembled.


EMPBindi International Association